Hmm, Yah Well THIS is Happening
A woman (unnamed for good reason) in Puget Sound, WA frantically called 911 on Monday to complain of entrapment by raccoon. Numbering about 100, the masked mammals surrounded her vehicle preventing her from leaving, as the gaze of raccoons slowly enswarmed. Deputies arrived to find the overwhelming nursery docile and friendly in nature. The woman was freed but not before telling a tale of astounding proportions as to how and why. You see it seems she’s been feeding wild raccoons from her back porch (which abuts a national forest) for the past 38 (what!!) years. Up until six weeks ago, a few of the furry creatures would arrive, eat lunch then scamper back into the woods. Since then, word had clearly gotten out as dozens upon dozens started to congregate around lunchtime and say hello in person. She said the new raccoons weren’t so nice and scared her with increasingly brazen and aggressive tactics. Such as not leaving until they were fed. Sometimes this meant the racoons would scratch and claw at her walls, windows and doors around the clock. Cue the chilling organ soundtrack. On Monday, she was able to run to her car but the swarm followed and an emergency call to first responders resulted. Animal control did not need to be called and the officers successfully shooed the raccoons away with trespass citations. The raccoons will certainly return en mass at which point the woman will need to reckon with her largess. Sensible Safety Tip of the Day: Let’s NOT feed wild animals. Otherwise you might confine yourself to a horror movie your own making.